Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I am back on Blogger. Yay! I have decided to post my blogs on Blogger and MySpace.

I was recently informed that I was awarded a full scholarship to Highlights Foundation Chautauqua Writer's Retreat. I received a personal email from Kent L. Brown (Highlights Foundation Executive Director and former Highlights Editor) himself with the good news. For a children's writer, this is like winning a big jackpot. Woohoo!

Unfortunately, I had gigs scheduled that week. Fortunately, I was able to reschedule them to attend Chautauqua. Yay!

They have a great lineup of teachers including Kelly Milner Halls and Bruce Coville. I am so excited! Now, what manuscript will I bring?!!!

Flying high,

P.S. Candlewick Press requested one of my manuscripts... Got an email from an editor. What a great week!

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Blogger alex said...

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1:47 PM  
Blogger alex said...

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6:55 AM  
Blogger alex said...

I merely hold to the idea that the activity of the first [Greek: Psi]-system is directed to the free outflow of the quantities of excitement , and that the second system brings about soma an inhibition of this outflow through the energies emanating from it, i.. The truth is, that this vision imitrex was not in itself a delusion, nor, indeed, half bright enough.. I'm a' officer o' the law, phenergan Pink, an' the law consider women--well, I may say the law, she deal 'ith men , not women, an' she expect her officers to understan' figgers, an' if I hadn't o' understood figgers Mr.. Ever had phentermine any champagne, Gideon? Gideon struggled for politeness.. When I follow out the dream thoughts closely, I ever find only scorn and contempt tramadol as correlated with the dream's absurdity.. My best friends neurontin stared.. She was reaching up for some brilliantly colored maple leaves, ambien and was entirely unconscious of his presence, especially after she had seen him.. None were left but viagra Hester, the great French scholar, who, being one of those young imps that seem to have the faculty of living without sleep, sat bolt upright with her eyes wide open, watching the uncomfortable visitors.. A kitchen lamp was brought to light them to the door, viagra the entry lamp having long since been extinguished.. The Colonel was mystified--but determined of purpose--whatever that purpose topamax might have been.. There is nothing aspirin for you to hold to.. Why shouldn't I say what I wanted to when-- Sister Spicer celebrex began.. The girl raised her wonderful eyes seroquel so suddenly and so penetratingly without reply in any other way that the Colonel could only hurriedly say: I see! None, of course! At which she rose, the Colonel rising also.. Disappointed, bewildered, cut to the quick, yet as much in love as ever, he could only in bitter silence turn over in his thoughts the issue of his cherished dream; now persuading himself that Ellen's denial was the effect of a sudden bashfulness, now inveighing atropine against the fickleness of the sex, as all men do when they are angry with any one woman in particular.. (Dream of a young man inhibited by a viagra father complex...

4:13 PM  
Blogger alex said...

I merely hold to the idea that the activity of the first [Greek: Psi]-system is directed to the free outflow of the quantities of excitement , and that the second system brings about cialis an inhibition of this outflow through the energies emanating from it, i.. The truth is, that this vision lidocaine was not in itself a delusion, nor, indeed, half bright enough.. I'm a' officer o' the law, reglan Pink, an' the law consider women--well, I may say the law, she deal 'ith men , not women, an' she expect her officers to understan' figgers, an' if I hadn't o' understood figgers Mr.. Ever had viagra any champagne, Gideon? Gideon struggled for politeness.. When I follow out the dream thoughts closely, I ever find only scorn and contempt ritalin as correlated with the dream's absurdity.. My best friends paxil stared.. She was reaching up for some brilliantly colored maple leaves, calcium and was entirely unconscious of his presence, especially after she had seen him.. None were left but tramadol Hester, the great French scholar, who, being one of those young imps that seem to have the faculty of living without sleep, sat bolt upright with her eyes wide open, watching the uncomfortable visitors.. A kitchen lamp was brought to light them to the door, diazepam the entry lamp having long since been extinguished.. The Colonel was mystified--but determined of purpose--whatever that purpose diazepam might have been.. There is nothing actonel for you to hold to.. Why shouldn't I say what I wanted to when-- Sister Spicer soma began.. The girl raised her wonderful eyes hydroxyzine so suddenly and so penetratingly without reply in any other way that the Colonel could only hurriedly say: I see! None, of course! At which she rose, the Colonel rising also.. Disappointed, bewildered, cut to the quick, yet as much in love as ever, he could only in bitter silence turn over in his thoughts the issue of his cherished dream; now persuading himself that Ellen's denial was the effect of a sudden bashfulness, now inveighing lipitor against the fickleness of the sex, as all men do when they are angry with any one woman in particular.. (Dream of a young man inhibited by a quinine father complex...

9:16 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

8:31 PM  

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