Friday, August 19, 2005

Exploring Monterrey/Carmel/Pacific Grove, California
August 13-14, 2005


My friend, Jerry Lima, lives in Pacific Grove, California. Jerry and I went to high school together. I had not seen Jerry in several years – he visited me in New Orleans in 1996 on his way to Atlanta for the Olympics. I had never been to the Carmel area and I was so excited about this part of my trip.

Jerry and his girlfriend, Christine, live in a small cottage just a few blocks from the beach. Pacific Grove, Monterrey, and Carmel are clustered together. Pacific Grove, or “PG” as it is commonly referred to, merges right into Monterrey. Carmel is just five minutes away.

They whisked me to a Mexican restaurant for dinner and afterwards, we had drinks at the Mucky Duck in Monterrey and another bar on the marina (I can’t remember the name). I didn’t realize how chilly it was there! Thank goodness they have heaters in their outdoor spaces! We went back to the house and after a late night of talking and visiting, I faded away around 3:00 a.m.

The next morning, on Saturday, we went out for breakfast in Carmel. I visited Jerry’s office and from his balcony, you can see the ocean. We walked around in Carmel and I bought a polar fleece jacket because I was so cold. Their summer is my winter in New Orleans! Jerry and Christine took me to Carmel Beach. We walked down a tall sand dune to get to the ocean. It was fun walking on the beach – the sand was soo cool. Then I had the big shock. Dipping my toes in the ocean nearly caused me hypothermia! ;) It was soooo cold! As cold as the water was, there were people swimming and they weren’t in wet suits. Wow! When we walked back to the car, it was a long trek through the sand, up the dune. I was breathless when we reached the top. If I walked like that everyday, I would be the picture of physical fitness! After a lunch of gourmet burgers, Jerry took me to the beautiful Mission in Carmel, founded by Junipero Sera.

That afternoon, we went to an art show in Sand City. It was in an art district and we walked to various artists’ studios to view their work. There was some incredible work, including huge metal sculptures and glass pieces. There were bands and food. I bought gourmet olives stuffed with sun-dried tomatoes and chocolate covered berries. The chocolate was mixed with wines like Pinot Grigiot. Mmmm!

We had dinner reservations at an Italian restaurant in Monterrey so we hurried home to get ready. Christine and I told Jerry that he had no choice – we were all going dancing after dinner. Dinner was absolutely delicious. I had bruschetta with the freshest tomatoes, tasty minestrone, and chicken piccatta. I was so full that I passed on dessert, even though there was a death by chocolate cake on the dessert tray. One of the waiters, Margarito, who was from Mexico and spoke little English, took a liking to me. I spoke with him (testing my Spanish) throughout dinner. I wanted to say goodbye to him but he was in the kitchen working when I left. As Jerry, Christine and I walked down the street, I heard a man yelling, “Diana, Diana, Diana!” It was Margarito waving like mad to say goodbye. I waved and told him “Gracias para todo!” (Thank you for everything.)

We went back to the Mucky Duck where we headed for their outdoor patio. On weekends, they play hip hop and dance music. We ordered drinks and I began talking to people around me, making new friends. As the night progressed, the patio became crowded and the music was jammin’. I headed for the dance floor. Later, Christine joined me and we had an awesome time. Everyone was so friendly. I haven’t had that much fun dancing in a long time! We stayed until the bar closed at 2:00 a.m. We headed back to the house where Jerry showed his prowess as a bartender and mixed me my own special drink. We went to bed at 4:00 a.m.

On Sunday, I woke up at 8:30 a.m. After Jerry and Christine woke up, we went to breakfast at a restaurant in California’s first outlet mall. Christine and I were so sore from all the dancing we did! Jerry decided to take us to Santa Cruz. After cruising around trying to find parking for 45 minutes, the perfect spot finally beckoned us. We walked around the carnival and of course, I had to dip my feet in the water at the Santa Cruz Beach. Jerry and I ate fried twinkies covered with chocolate syrup – it was interesting. It didn’t taste bad but I don’t think I will do it again. I mean, how much worse can you get? As if a twinkie by itself isn’t bad enough, you go and fry it!

After Santa Cruz, we headed back to Pacific Grove and went to the beach there. They took me to their bay and the water was so calm. A man was playing with his dog and throwing a tennis ball into the water. The dog would fetch it, swimming into the cold water. It was fun to watch and I marveled at how the dog withstood the temperature of the water.

After a full day on two different beaches, we headed for a Korean restaurant. I had the Woo-Dun, a hot soup with udon noodles. It was just what I needed to warm up.

Jerry and Christine were the most incredible hosts, packing my two days in Carmel with oodles of fun! In the two days I was with them, I was in Pacific Grove, Monterrey, Carmel, Sand City, Davenport, and Santa Cruz!

Unfortunately, I had to leave at 3:00 a.m. to head back to Los Angeles. I had to get back in time to return my rental car and catch my flight. I can’t wait for Jerry and Christine to visit New Orleans. It’ll be hard to match their hospitality but I sure will try. My guest room is ready…

Until next time…

Dianne de Las Casas


Blogger johnettemusic said...

Hey Dianne,

Your trip sounded wonderful! Glad you made it home safely! Let's do lunch!


4:16 PM  

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