Friday, August 19, 2005

Visiting Lemoore, California & Driving the Pacific Coast Highway
August 12, 2005

I left Los Angeles early in the morning and made it out of L.A. with no traffic problems! I cruised through the mountains and took Interstate 5 to Lemoore, California, located off Highway 41. I made good time and rolled into Lemoore in 3 ½ hours. My reason for visiting Lemoore was two-fold. First and most importantly, I wanted to visit Karleen Good, my 7th and 8th grade English teacher. She is one of the most inspiring people in my life and one of the reasons I am a storyteller and author. I have a dedication to her in my first CD, Jambalaya. My second reason was to visit my old high school, Lemoore High.

I was scheduled to have lunch with Mrs. Good at 12:00 p.m. and I arrived in Lemoore at 10:30 a.m. Since I had time, I figured it would be good to visit my old high school. Driving up to the high school was eerie. The school has grown. It’s as beautiful as ever with Spanish style and a gorgeous red Spanish tile roof. I walked around and took a few pictures. I chatted with some students who were there for orientation. My favorite history teacher, Anthony Nunes, still teaches there. I said hello to Kathy Palermo, who was the drama teacher when I was there.

After reminiscing and touring Lemoore High School, I drove to Mrs. Good’s house, which was just a few blocks from the school. She loves cats and rescues strays, giving them shots and finding them homes when she can. She has such a kind heart. She lives in a beautiful house and drives the coolest yellow Mustang, which she had when she was teaching me!

We met her husband, Rick, at the Vineyard Inn and had lunch. It was so good to visit with them. We drove back to her house and I could only stay a few minutes more as I had to get back on the road. My goal was to make it to Highway 1, the Pacific Coast Highway, with enough time to drive the windy road in daylight. Mrs. Good loaded me with a cold diet pepsi and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for my trip. I really enjoyed my visit!

I made good time until I hit Paso Robles on Highway 46. There was such a bottleneck of traffic there. I really enjoyed driving through the mountains and past the vineyards. It’s too bad I didn’t have time to stop – there were so many wineries that offered tasting… I loved driving past the Arciero Vineyards. Their vineyard had metallic silver and red strips tied to the vines. They flapped in the breeze like thousands of diamonds shimmering across vast green fields. It was stunning.

At 5:00 p.m., I finally arrived at the Pacific Coast Highway. I was so excited. I had never taken this drive and was as giddy as a little girl at Christmastime. I drove past Hearst Castle and made it to the windy part of the drive. Hugging the mountainside, I drove carefully, gaping in awe at the views. I was so glad I was on the mountainside and not on the water side – I would have driven off the edge staring at the views! It is difficult to put into words how awesome and scary the drive is. There are sheer drop-offs and very small turn-outs. I drove by Big Sur. I stopped at Ragged Rock and had to pay $4/gallon for gas!

I experienced such a range of emotions during the three hours it took me to drive the coastal highway – awe, fear, peace, and exhilaration. It was breathtaking to see the ocean embracing the mountain’s craggy edge. I felt so close to God and to nature. I understand why so many people love coastal California.

I finally made it into Carmel three hours later and drove to my friend, Jerry Lima’s house. Jerry and I went to Lemoore High School together. His uncle is Anthony Nunes, my favorite history teacher. I was spending the weekend with Jerry and his girlfriend, Christine. More on that trip in my next blog.
Until next time…

Dianne de Las Casas


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